Title: Elements of Counselling
Author: Joan Schön, Lauren Gower & Victor Kotze
Format: Softcover
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This isn’t just another self-help book.
It’s a help-yourself as well as a help-others help-themselves book …
Recognising just how important it is to be able to talk about ourselves to ourselves and to each other, the authors of this book start out by underlining the value of knowing how to listen and when to speak. They then go into detail about ways of listening and speaking, based on sound psychological theories, as well as good clinical practices. These have traditionally been the preserve of counsellors, psychologists, priests and others in the helping professions.
The authors of this book bring their experiences in diverse settings to practicing counsellors as well as to the broader public. They outline a number of essential skills – from listening and talking, to reflecting, understanding and problem management. Practicing counsellors as well as the broader public will benefit from this manual’s use of case material, psychoanalytical theory, technical terms and reflection exercises.
The first three sections of the book cover the basics of counselling in the beginning, middle and end phases. These are complemented by two sections dedicated to some of the most challenging issues people are facing today – trauma, HIV & AIDS, bereavement, sexuality and spirituality. In this updated third edition, there is additional focus on parenting, addiction, depression and anxiety, and working with difference.
Whether you head up a business team or work in a demanding environment such as a school or hospital, knowing how to listen and how to make yourself heard is vital. Through building ‘speaking bridges’ we can let people know what we are going through and at the same time show our concern and interest in their unique experiences.
Author: Joan Schön, Lauren Gower & Victor Kotze
Publisher: Clockwork Books
Format: Softcover