New! Our textbooks service delivers to your door

With our new textbooks service, you no longer have to run around town for your kids' school books! Delivered to your door for just R60.
Clockwork Books textbooks service

No more running around town for school books

Introducing Clockwork Books' textbooks service for customers in Joburg and Pretoria

Ugh, textbooks.

Let us take away your textbook headache with our all-new textbooks service: easy, convenient, affordable!

Here’s how it works:

  • Send us an email with the list of books you need.
  • Make sure you include your delivery address and mobile number.
  • We’ll mail you an invoice.
  • When payment is received, we order direct from the publishers.
  • We receive all the books on your behalf, package them, and have them couriered to your door.

Unfortunately, this service is currently only available for customers in Joburg and Pretoria.

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We piloted our textbooks service in 2019

Offering to source and deliver textbooks to a small Joburg audience, we followed the service up with a survey to establish the need for our service, how well we met the need, and how to improve the service going forward.

Here are some of the findings that came out of that exercise:

  • We received orders for primary school, high school and homeschooling learners.
  • On average, each family that ordered from Clockwork Books saved R400 on their order (compared to other retailers).
  • Customers reported 100% satisfaction with their experience using our textbooks service.
  • “Convenience” was listed as the most valuable feature of the textbooks service.

Clockwork Books can partner with schools to provide one-click purchase solutions per grade and on-site collection days. For more information, get in touch with us at

Browse a selection of textbooks we have in store here.


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