

Author: CGM Mackenzie
Format: epub
ISBN: 978-1-990959-96-7


Clockwork Books is thrilled to announce the launch of our title
isiZulu speculative fiction!

Ezalelwa emHlabeni lapho kungekho ubumnandi, kungenamibala, kungavunyelwe umehluko, kuphathwa luHlelo noLimi lwalo olulodwa, uZilimi ubizelwe ukuthatha indlela ehlukile – indlela eya ekudingisweni nasempini yekusasa labantu bonke. Kodwa uZilimi akayedwa: amaPhimbo answempu ayamsiza kuzo zonke izinkimbinkimbi zendlela ayikhethile.

UZilimi unamandla anele, aphinde ahlakaniphe ngokwanele, ukuze akhethe ikusasa lethu sonke?

Kanti yini okuxhumanisa izidalwa ezimangalisayo zesiGungu sabaNyukile, esihlangene endeni yomKhathikazi, nomntwana wasemHlabeni oneminyaka eyishumi nanye?


[Born into a world without flavour or colour, in which difference is not tolerated and power is in the hands of the System and its single Language, Zilimi is called to take a different path – one that leads to banishment and a fight for the future of all humanity. But Zilimi is not alone: mysterious Voices help at every twist and turn of that chosen path.

Is Zilimi strong and wise enough to choose a future for all of us? 

And what links the strange creatures of the Council of the Ascended, meeting at the heart of the Galaxy, to an eleven-year-old on Earth?

Once upon a (future) time…]

Learn more about the universe of UkuThintana on their Facebook page.


NginguMabhengwane wakwaMbilaziyawucosha, kodwa ngesiNgisi nginguCullen wakwaMackenzie. Ngineminyaka engamashumi amathathu nesithupha. Ngakhulela eShowe, KwaZulu. IsiZulu ngulimi lwami lwebele, kanye nesiNgisi, kodwa ngafunda izilimi ezinhlanu esikoleni nasenyuvesi – isiZulu, isiNgisi, isiLatini, isiGiriki nesiFulentshi. Futhi-ke, emva kwenyuvesi ngaqala ukuzifundisa ngezinye – isArabiya, isiSuthu nesiShayina nezinye. Sengihlala eGoli, ngisebenzela iNGO esebenzisana nezikole zamaRoma, ngingumphathi wocwaningo wezinhlelo wakhona. Ngaphandle kwalowo msebenzi, ngifundisa abantu abahlukahlukene isiZulu, ngiphinde ngihumushe okubhalwe ngaso okunjengezincwadi namaqophelo. Kodwa engikuthandayo ngenhliziyo yami yonke wukubhala ngolukaPhunga noMageba – ikakhulukazi izinkondlo nezindatshana. Kade ngafisa ukubhala indaba yohlobo lwe-Science Fiction, ngoba yilolo hlobo engiluthanda kakhulu uma ngifunda ngesiNgisi. Ithemba lami ngukufunda ezinye ezinjengale ndaba engiyibhalile, kubhalwe ngesiZulu nangezinye izilimi zomdabu.

I am Mabhengwane of the household of Mbilaziyawucosha, but in English I am Cullen Mackenzie. I am thirty-six years old. I grew up in Eshowe in Zululand. IsiZulu is my mother-tongue, along with English, but I learned five languages at school and at university – isiZulu, English, Latin, Greek and French. Furthermore, after university I began teaching myself other languages – Arabic, seSotho, Mandarin and others. I now live in Johannesburg, and I work for an NGO that works with Catholic schools, as the Knowledge and Research Manager there. Apart from this work, I teach various people isiZulu, and I also translate written texts and audio recordings. But what I love with my whole heart is writing in the language of Phunga and Mageba – particularly poetry and short stories. I have long wished to write a story in the Science Fiction genre, because it is the genre that I love the most when reading in English. My hope is to read other works like mine, written in isiZulu and in other indigenous languages.

Author: CGM Mackenzie

Publisher: Clockwork Books

Format: ePub

ISBN: 978-1-990959-96-7